Accepting Nominations for Chapter Secretary-Treasurer
Deadline Dec 19
Dear WA ACS Chapter Members,
We are accepting nominations for a council position. Any interested chapter member is eligible. The position is that of Secretary-Treasurer for the chapter. Please notify us by December 19 if you or someone you know is interested.
Per the chapter bylaws, the position description is as follows:
3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Chapter and of the Council, shall collect dues as fixed by the Council, shall be responsible for the safekeeping and disbursement of all funds, shall present an annual account, which shall be reviewed at the Annual Business Meeting, and shall perform all other duties incidental to the office as shall be determined from time to time by the Council. The Secretary-Treasurer shall, on forms provided for the purpose, submit an annual report on the Chapter's activities to the Organization Department of the American College of Surgeons within thirty (30) days of the conclusion of the Annual Meeting of the Chapter.
The position will be handed over to the incumbent in 2025, as early in the year as possible. It is helpful for there to be overlap between the outgoing officer and incoming officer so that our chapter's account signatories can be reconciled.
Please let us know if you would like to nominate someone or if you, yourself, are willing to serve in this position. The approximate time commitment is 3 hours a month. The term is delineated in the bylaws as 3 years, but shorter terms are possible.
Please send us an email with your CV if you are interested at admin@wachapteracs.org. For more information, please call our office at 206-794-9124.
Thank you,
Your WA-ACS Chapter Council
and Sue Lentz, Chapter Administrator
NEW OFFICERS 2024-2025:
Please help us welcome the following new officers:
Judy Chen, MD (President) Seattle
Peter Wu, MD (President-Elect) Seattle
Rhosie Dhillon, MD (Councilor)
Mission Statement
“The Washington State Chapter, ACS seeks to engage Washington State surgeons in the activities of the American College of Surgeons.”
In 1913, the American College of Surgeons was founded, two years after the Seattle Surgical Society. In 1951, the Washington Chapter of the American College of Surgeons was established. Dr. Joel Baker was the first Chapter President. Subsequently, Dr. Baker became President of the American College of Surgeons (1970). Dr. Herbert Coe, Governor at the time of the founding of the Washington Chapter, was awarded the Distinguished Service Award of the American College of Surgeons in 1967.
Dr. Henry N. Harkins, first Professor and Chairman, Department of Surgery, University of Washington, was a very active member of the Washington Chapter. Dr. Harkins' special interest was postgraduate education for the Surgical Resident Fellow, as well as members of the practicing community. He encouraged doctors in training to present scientific papers at the Annual Chapter Meeting. Now a full scientific session is devoted to presentation by residents and fellows. A special award for the outstanding paper has been established in Dr. Harkins' honor. The Annual Meeting is held in mid-June at various resorts throughout the Northwest.
The objectives of the Washington Chapter are as follows:
To foster a close fellowship among surgeons in the area through a common interest in the Chapter and in the activities of the College.
To provide for surgeons in all the various surgical specialties a common meeting ground where each may learn from the others.
To strive to obtain the highest standards of patient care in their communities.
To provide opportunities to further the education of Fellows, members of the Candidate Group, hospital house staffs and all practicing physicians in the area.
To devote particular attention to the younger surgeons by providing a forum for discussion of their professional and ethical problems and to orient them toward Fellowship in the College.
To cooperate with local trauma committees of the College by fostering programs concerned with traffic safety, emergency care of the injured and civil defense and by working with other citizens groups interested in these fields.
To give local support to College programs in control of cancer and to cancer clinics.
To maintain close working relationships with the local Governors of the College. The local Governors should be ex-officio members of the Council of each Chapter. - To cooperate with local medical societies and with worthy civic movements concerned with the health of the citizens. Membership in the Washington Chapter is open to all Fellows of the College residing in the area.
Participate in educational programs through continuing medical education
Active membership for all members including young surgeons
Improving care for surgical patients
Opportunities for networking and engagement
Outstanding Educational Program
Networking Opportunities
Outreach and Advocacy
Associate - $40
Resident - Free
Senior - Free
Medical Students - Free
Do you know Washington State's CME Requirements? Find out here.

September 13-14
Skamania Lodge, Stevenson, WA
Locations and Presidents of Past Meetings
Lists of Distinguished Guest Speakers and Cancer Speakers
Henry Harkins Resident Competition Awards
2024 Meeting is in-person

Washington State Chapter
American College of Surgeons
6817 208th St SW #90
Lynnwood, WA 98046
Tel: 206-794-9124
Fax: 206-319-4601
Website: www.wachapteracs.org