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Membership Services

Categories of Membership


There are several categories for membership to the Washington State Chapter:


  • ACS Fellow - Fellows of the American College of Surgeons, who are in good standing, who are residing or practicing in the State of Washington, and who agree to comply with Chapter Bylaws.  Fellows shall have the right to participate in the Chapter's business, vote and hold office.  Fellows classified by the American College of Surgeons as Retired, Dues Fully Paid, Completed, or Dues Waived shall pay no Chapter dues and shall have the right to vote and hold office.


  • ACS Associate Fellow - Associate Fellows of the American College of Surgeons, who are in good standing, who are residing or practicing in the State of Washington, and who agree to comply with Chapter Bylaws.  Associate Fellows shall have the right to vote, shall pay only one-half of the annual dues, and shall not hold Chapter offices.


  • ACS Affiliate Member - Members of the Candidate Group of the American College of Surgeons, who are in good standing, who are residing or practicing in the State of Washington, and who agree to comply with Chapter Bylaws.  The affiliates shall be exempt from dues and shall not have the right to vote or to hold office.





  • Fellows - $100 per year

  • Associate Fellow - $40 per year

  • Affiliate - no dues


Dues are assessed on a calendar year - January to December. Dues notices are sent in January.


Benefits of Membership in the American College of Surgeons (ACS) and the Washington State Chapter (WA-ACS)


The top priority of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) is to provide value to you—our members. Membership in the ACS affords you a wide range of benefits:


  • Educational programs that provide lifelong learning and help you stay up to date and ahead of the curve while meeting your continuing medical education requirements

  • Robust research data and programs focused on outcomes and other quality issues

  • Monthly periodicals and freestanding publications

  • Scholarships and Fellowships

  • Active committees for all members including young surgeons, surgical residents, and medical students

  • Advocacy work for you and your patients at both the federal and state levels

  • A major visibility program to enhance your public image, underscoring why surgeons are an essential and integral part of this country’s health care delivery system

  • Insurance products (Life, Medical Liability), credit card, car rental and many other benefits

  • The ACS is the largest organization of surgeons in the world, uniquely positioned to lead the way in optimal patient care, surgical research, health policy, continuing education, and networking opportunities. The ACS is the single strongest voice for surgeons in all specialties and, since its foundation in 1913, has been at the forefront of providing quality care for surgical patients and supporting surgeons wherever they practice. The College works on behalf of our members and their patients by:

  • Promoting the image of the surgical profession, today and tomorrow.

  • Developing innovative education and training programs to support practicing surgeons, surgery residents, and members of surgical teams.

  • Improving care for surgical patients through American College of Surgeons Quality Programs, including the Commission on Cancer (CoC), the Committee on Trauma (COT), and the ACS National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS NSQIP).

  • Fostering the growth of the next generation of promising surgeons through scholarships and fellowships.

  • Conducting research to provide cutting-edge best practices in patient care.

  • Giving surgeons from across the U.S. and around the globe opportunities for networking and professional engagement.

  • Take advantage of continuing education opportunities. Online, in person, and in print, the College supports knowledge and skill advancement for you to perform at your highest potential. As a Fellow, you can benefit from these meetings and programs:

  • Annual Clinical Congress of the ACS - This five-day meeting offers high-quality educational programs designed to educate and train surgeons and improve the health and safety of surgical patients includes a vast array of educational opportunities such as Named Lectures, Panel Sessions, Postgraduate Courses, Scientific Forum Sessions, Town Hall Meetings, Video-Based Education Sessions, Meet-the-Expert Luncheons, and general and specialty sessions designed specifically for you. A low registration fee is offered to all ACS Fellows.

  • Surgical Education Self-Assessment Program (SESAP®) and SESAP® Sampler

  • Selected Readings in General Surgery (SRGS®)

  • Evidence-Based Decisions in Surgery modules

  • ACS Comprehensive General Surgery Review Course

  • ACS Multimedia Atlas of Surgery

  • Annual Leadership and Advocacy Summit

  • Annual Scientific Meeting of the ACS-WA State Chapter


The ACS and the ACS-WA State Chapter are committed to the support of surgeons throughout their careers from training through practice into retirement. The Young Fellows Association (YFA) welcomes young Fellows 45 years old and younger and the Resident and Associate Society (RAS) embraces surgical residents and trainees. All ACS-WA State Chapter Fellows, YFA members and RAS members can participate in the educational programs of the national ACS and ACS-WA State Chapter. In addition, all ACS Fellows, and YFA and RAS representatives, are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to get involved in the work groups and committees of the ACS and the ACS-WA State Chapter in a broad range of areas including: trauma, cancer, quality, research, fellowships and scholarships, membership, publications, communication, networking, surgical practice, electronic health record, leadership, professionalism, ethics, error management, patient education and public health policy. Become involved by contacting the officers of the ACS-WA State Chapter, discussing your interests and identifying together the ways that you can participate in the ACS and ACS-WA State Chapter programs, work groups and committees.


Attending the ACS-WA State Chapter meetings offers ACS Fellows, YFA members and RAS members opportunities to build strong professional relationships and also provides access to College leaders and colleagues. The ACS Board of Governors serves as the official communication link between the Fellows and the ACS Board of Regents. Please reach out to one of your Governors and share your perspectives on what the College should be doing on your behalf. Join one of the many online ACS Communities. This networking tool provides an environment for ACS members to connect, engage, and share information and best practices in real time, as well as seek advice, share experiences, exchange resources, and build professional relationships.


With the constant change in the world and in our surgical practice lives, the ACS-WA State Chapter provides some stability and the opportunity to lead and grow with those changes. The ACS-WA State Chapter provides an excellent place to renew friendships, participate in outstanding CME and engage in front line advocacy with those who are legislating many of the changes we experience. The ACS-WA State Chapter continues to provide outstanding value for your membership dues in the form of local/regional professional education. We provide our members and surgical residency trainees a venue to present their scholarly work in conjunction with the Oregon State Chapter.


Meeting with friends and colleagues at our annual meeting provides a renewal of spirit and renewed dedication to our common cause in providing the highest quality of surgical care to the citizens of our state. The ACS-WA State Chapter allows us to put professionalism into practice as we self-educate, advocate on behalf of our patients, and participate in the mentorship of those who will replace us at the front lines of service in coming years.


“As the largest and most robust surgical organization in the world, we have so much to offer surgeons of all specialties, at any point in their careers. From transition to practice support for those just starting out, to ongoing training and education, to advocacy and leadership, we help surgeons advance their careers and elevate the profession in a way no other organization can.”


Patricia L. Turner, MD, FACS, Director, ACS Division of Member Services

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© 2024 Washington State Chapter, American College of Surgeons.

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